Cycling maps of Colchester

Explore our city (and others in Britain) using the Cyclestreets map, the Cycling UK journey planner (best for longer trips) or the Sustrans map of the National Cycle Network. There’s also an Ordnance Survey map here. Colchester Borough Council’s Cycle Colchester team has a limited number of old-school paper maps – just ask.
• Local weather
• Local tides (based on Harwich; add 40min for the Strood at Mersea.)

(NB: this isn’t déjà vu, this information is also on our front page.)


Colchester cycling clubs

• Colchester Cycling UK runs Sunday rides at speeds of 10-12 mph (slow) – all ages and abilities. The late Alan Palmer, a CCC member for 30 years, was instrumental in getting this going.

Happy Handlebars is a family cycling group offering short rides.

• Forty Plus is active across the county and Cycling for Pleasure (Colchester) is for those who like an occasional bimble in good company.

• For racing, sportives, time-trials or audax see
Colchester Rovers, VC Revolution, Amis Velo, and VC Oyster (Mersea).
